Woodland Hills Pet Clinic
6200 Variel Ave suite D, Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Opening Hours
A highly-rated veterinary clinic with excellent reviews for compassionate care and clear pricing. Offers good accessibility but limited emergency services. Compares favorably to nearby competitors but may lack specialized treatments for exotic pets.
Based on our scoring system, analysis of user reviews, and competitor comparison.
Carefully curated by our team using human expertise.
Public Review Sentiment
Overwhelmingly positive reviews praising the clinic's compassionate and knowledgeable staff. Many mention fair pricing and attentive service. A few negative reviews criticize lack of 24/7 emergency care and inability to treat exotic pets. Clients appreciate the convenient hours and accessible facilities.
Best Times to Visit
Early morning or late afternoon (closed on weekends)
6200 Variel Ave suite D, Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Frequently Asked Questions
Do they work with exotic animals such as reptiles?
No they do not. They do recommend All Pets Medical Center I believe.