Sofia Center, ul. "Hristo Kovachev" 38, 1527 Sofia, Bulgaria

Opening Hours
Highly rated veterinary clinic praised for excellent service and reasonable pricing. Offers good accessibility features but limited information on emergency or exotic pet services. Shorter wait times compared to competitors, especially during weekday mornings. Considered one of the top veterinary clinics in the area.
Based on our scoring system, analysis of user reviews, and competitor comparison.
Carefully curated by our team using human expertise.
Public Review Sentiment
The vast majority of reviews praise the excellent service, skilled staff, and reasonable prices at this veterinary clinic. A few negative reviews mention issues with prices or information provided. The clinic has a very high overall rating of 4.6/5 stars.
Best Times to Visit
Monday to Friday between 9 AM and 2 PM (based on lower reported occupancy during these hours)
Sofia Center, ul. "Hristo Kovachev" 38, 1527 Sofia, Bulgaria
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you provide emergency services?
The business data does not specify if emergency veterinary services are provided.
Do you treat exotic pets?
There is no information provided about exotic pet treatment services.
What are your pricing details?
Specific pricing details are not included in the provided business data.