VCA San Martin Animal Hospital
12955 Monterey Rd, San Martin, CA 95046

Opening Hours
Offers 24/7 emergency services and specializes in pet boarding/grooming. Moderately positive reviews cite compassionate staff. Average pricing but lacks transparency. Busiest mid-day but has good accessibility amenities. Competitive reputation among local clinics.
Based on our scoring system, analysis of user reviews, and competitor comparison.
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Public Review Sentiment
Many positive reviews praise the caring staff and affordable pricing, while negative feedback criticizes high costs for some services and long wait times during peak hours. The hospital receives compliments for its emergency pet care and specialized services like boarding/grooming.
Best Times to Visit
Early morning (7-9 AM) or late afternoon (3-5 PM)
12955 Monterey Rd, San Martin, CA 95046
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you provide 24/7 emergency services?
Yes, we offer 24/7 emergency veterinary services.
What services do you offer?
We provide animal hospital services, emergency vet care, pet boarding, pet grooming, and general veterinary care.
Do you have accessible parking and restrooms?
Yes, we have a wheelchair accessible parking lot and restroom.