San Francisco Animal Medical Center
2343 Fillmore St, San Francisco, CA 94115
Opening Hours
Highly reputed veterinary clinic offering 24/7 emergency and specialized services. Excellent user experience with compassionate staff. Reasonably transparent pricing. Moderate wait times during peak hours but good accessibility features. Among the top-rated clinics in the area.
Based on our scoring system, analysis of user reviews, and competitor comparison.
Carefully curated by our team using human expertise.
Public Review Sentiment
Clients overwhelmingly praise the compassionate staff, clear communication, and quality of urgent and specialty care. Positive reviews highlight expertise in areas like oncology and internal medicine. Some criticism about high costs but generally considered reasonable for the services provided. Moderate complaints about wait times during peak hours. Among the most well-regarded veterinary clinics in San Francisco.
Best Times to Visit
Early morning or late evening
2343 Fillmore St, San Francisco, CA 94115
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do you say youll do health certificates, charge people then claim you never offered them and don't know how to do them? Leaving people with no means of travel with their animals over Christmas?
Hi Thomas, you were never charged for a health certificate with our facility. Currently, health certificates are offered on a case by case basis for our established patients and are specifically coordinated through our client liaison. They require advance notice to schedule as there are preparations needed prior to your visit. Unfortunately, you arrived two weeks before Christmas and requested an International Health Certificate same day which was not feasible at that time. You had done all the required vaccinations with the SFSPCA which is why we recommended that you go back to them to see if they could prepare the health certificate for you. I apologize that you weren't able to get a health certificate on short notice. I also refunded the wellness exam fee for the inconvenience.