3749 Dakota Ave, Riverbank, CA 95367

Opening Hours
Rumpledbareskin is a highly rated pet adoption service with excellent user reviews. Limited information on emergency services, pricing, and specialized care. Good accessibility with wheelchair parking. Performs better than some competitors in the area.
Based on our scoring system, analysis of user reviews, and competitor comparison.
Carefully curated by our team using human expertise.
Public Review Sentiment
Excellent user reviews praising the pet adoption experience, with 8 out of 9 reviews giving 5 stars. Limited additional context or feedback provided.
Best Times to Visit
Monday to Friday during open hours (9AM to 5PM)
3749 Dakota Ave, Riverbank, CA 95367
Frequently Asked Questions
Hi me and my dad want a sphynx cat and are wondering how much they cost
Looking for a playmate and companion for my German Shepard and considering a cat. In the past I have had a dog and cat, and they are really good company. I am allergic and don't want too much shedding (the dog does enough of that) and considering a sphynx or another type that are hypoallergenic. Wondering what the cost is and if there are any rescues that I can look into for an adult that is used to dogs.