Purrfurably Cats
481 Cortes St, Monterey, CA 93940

Opening Hours
Highly regarded cat-only veterinary clinic with excellent user reviews and competitive pricing. Offers standard services during regular business hours but no emergency or exotic pet care. Good reputation compared to local competitors, but accessibility could be improved.
Based on our scoring system, analysis of user reviews, and competitor comparison.
Carefully curated by our team using human expertise.
Public Review Sentiment
Overwhelmingly positive reviews praising the caring and knowledgeable staff, great service for cats, and reasonable pricing. A few negative reviews mention challenges with scheduling appointments and limited emergency/after-hours care.
Best Times to Visit
Early morning or late afternoon (based on regular business hours and avoiding peak times)
481 Cortes St, Monterey, CA 93940
Frequently Asked Questions
Why should my pet get a dental cleaning?
Periodontal disease is one of the most common health issues in pets, with approximately 70% of cats developing some sort of periodontal disease by the age of 2. If left untreated, periodontal disease can progress from simple gum inflammation (gingivitis) to a serious infection, which can lead to pain, tooth loss, and even other health problems like heart, kidney, and liver disease. Early detection is key to prevention. Routine professional dental cleaning can help prevent periodontal disease or its progression, promoting healthier gums and teeth. It also leaves your pet with fresher breath, which is certainly a bonus!