Prestige Animal Hospital - North Fontana
16055 Sierra Lakes Pkwy #100, Fontana, CA 92336

Opening Hours
This highly-rated veterinary clinic offers excellent user experience with friendly staff and informative service. Competitive pricing and multiple accessibility features contribute to its appeal. While emergency services information is lacking, it holds a solid reputation compared to competitors in the area.
Based on our scoring system, analysis of user reviews, and competitor comparison.
Carefully curated by our team using human expertise.
Public Review Sentiment
Most reviews praise the friendly and knowledgeable staff, mentioning words like 'babies', 'fur', 'informative', and 'questions'. Common positive feedback highlights the reasonable pricing and accessibility features. Negative feedback is minimal but some reviews mention occasional long wait times and questioning the cost for certain services.
Best Times to Visit
Weekday mornings or early afternoons
16055 Sierra Lakes Pkwy #100, Fontana, CA 92336
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you offer any specialized services?
The business data does not specify any specialized services offered.
Do you provide emergency care?
There is no information provided about emergency veterinary services.
What accessibility features are available?
The clinic has a wheelchair accessible entrance, parking lot, and restroom.