Pinole Pet Hospital
1400 San Pablo Ave, Pinole, CA 94564
Opening Hours
A well-reviewed animal hospital offering general veterinary services at reasonable prices. Provides good accessibility but limited emergency or specialized care. Slightly busier during mid-days but generally manageable wait times. Favorably rated compared to nearby competitors.
Based on our scoring system, analysis of user reviews, and competitor comparison.
Carefully curated by our team using human expertise.
Public Review Sentiment
Highly positive reviews praising friendly staff, caring vets, and reasonable pricing. Some concerns about occasional long wait times during peak hours. Well-regarded for routine pet care but limited mentions of emergency or specialty services.
Best Times to Visit
Early morning on weekdays (before 9 AM) or late afternoon (after 4 PM)
1400 San Pablo Ave, Pinole, CA 94564
Frequently Asked Questions
how much does it cost to have surgery to cat to prevent to become pregunant?
Two hundred or more I believe