Pet Hospital$$$
Orange Veterinary Hospital: Lee Belinda DVM
1100 W Chapman Ave, Orange, CA 92868
(714) 997-8200

Opening Hours
MondayNo information available
TuesdayNo information available
WednesdayNo information available
ThursdayNo information available
FridayNo information available
SaturdayNo information available
SundayNo information available
Highly rated veterinary hospital with perfect 5-star reviews. Offers wheelchair accessibility features. Pricing and emergency/specialized services information not available. Solid reputation compared to nearby competitors.
Please note that people are more likely to leave reviews when they have had a negative experience.
Based on our scoring system, analysis of user reviews, and competitor comparison.
Carefully curated by our team using human expertise.
User Experience
Emergency & Specialized Services
Pricing & Transparency
Wait Times & Accessibility
Reputation & Competitor Comparison
Public Review Sentiment
All 6 reviews give a perfect 5-star rating, indicating highly satisfied customers. However, review content is not provided to analyze further sentiments.
Based on 6 Google Reviews3/4/2025
Best Times to Visit
No information available to determine best time to visit
Recommendation based on traffic patterns and wait times
1100 W Chapman Ave, Orange, CA 92868