Pet Hospital$$$

Orange Veterinary Hospital: Lee Belinda DVM

1100 W Chapman Ave, Orange, CA 92868

(714) 997-8200
Orange Veterinary Hospital: Lee Belinda DVM

Opening Hours

MondayNo information available
TuesdayNo information available
WednesdayNo information available
ThursdayNo information available
FridayNo information available
SaturdayNo information available
SundayNo information available


Highly rated veterinary hospital with perfect 5-star reviews. Offers wheelchair accessibility features. Pricing and emergency/specialized services information not available. Solid reputation compared to nearby competitors.

Please note that people are more likely to leave reviews when they have had a negative experience.

Based on our scoring system, analysis of user reviews, and competitor comparison.

Carefully curated by our team using human expertise.

User Experience
Emergency & Specialized Services
Pricing & Transparency
Wait Times & Accessibility
Reputation & Competitor Comparison

Public Review Sentiment

All 6 reviews give a perfect 5-star rating, indicating highly satisfied customers. However, review content is not provided to analyze further sentiments.

Based on 6 Google Reviews3/4/2025

Best Times to Visit

No information available to determine best time to visit

Recommendation based on traffic patterns and wait times


1100 W Chapman Ave, Orange, CA 92868