North Valley Veterinary Clinic
11152 Balboa Blvd, Granada Hills, CA 91344

Opening Hours
North Valley Veterinary Clinic offers reliable general pet care services with good user experience ratings and fair pricing. It has accessible facilities but may lack comprehensive emergency or specialized services compared to some competitors. Overall a solid neighborhood clinic with a good reputation.
Based on our scoring system, analysis of user reviews, and competitor comparison.
Carefully curated by our team using human expertise.
Public Review Sentiment
Many reviewers praise the caring and compassionate veterinary staff. Positive feedback focuses on good service and fair pricing. Critical reviews cite issues with the front desk or difficulties getting information over the phone. The overall sentiment leans positive, with a high volume of 5-star ratings.
Best Times to Visit
Early weekday mornings or Sundays
11152 Balboa Blvd, Granada Hills, CA 91344
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you offer emergency pet care?
The clinic's hours do not indicate 24/7 emergency services. Contact them directly to inquire about emergency pet care options.
Do you treat exotic pets?
Their listed categories do not mention exotic pet care, so they may only offer services for common household pets.
Do I need an appointment?
While walk-ins are likely accepted, the data indicates appointments are recommended for scheduling.