3034 State St, Santa Barbara, CA 93105

Opening Hours
Highly rated veterinary clinic offering physical therapy services. Scores high on accessibility features and user experience based on the single 5-star review. Moderate reputation compared to nearby clinics. Pricing information and emergency/specialized service details not provided.
Based on our scoring system, analysis of user reviews, and competitor comparison.
Carefully curated by our team using human expertise.
Public Review Sentiment
The single review gives the clinic a 5-star rating, but does not provide any additional commentary.
Best Times to Visit
Morning or mid-weekday (based on regular business hours and no information on peak periods)
3034 State St, Santa Barbara, CA 93105
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you offer emergency services?
There is no information provided on emergency veterinary services.
What specialized services do you provide?
The clinic provides physical therapy services for pets.
Do you have accessible facilities?
Yes, the clinic has wheelchair accessible entrance, parking lot, and restroom facilities.