Echo Park Veterinary Hospital
1739 Glendale Blvd, Echo Park, CA 90026

Opening Hours
A well-regarded veterinary hospital with convenient accessibility features and fair pricing. Offers a wide range of services but may lack 24/7 emergency care or specialized treatment for exotic pets. Competitive reputation compared to nearby clinics.
Based on our scoring system, analysis of user reviews, and competitor comparison.
Carefully curated by our team using human expertise.
Public Review Sentiment
Many positive reviews praise the staff's care and attention, though some criticize high pricing and occasional communication issues. Clients generally report reasonable wait times and good overall experiences.
Best Times to Visit
Early morning or evening (based on regular business hours)
1739 Glendale Blvd, Echo Park, CA 90026
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the current hours? Can't seem to find that online and their phone system is jacked up
Yes they need 2 fix the phone system. But the hours 9-7 weekdays & 9-5 weekends. I found it on their website