Cat Doctors
1333 De La Vina St # G, Santa Barbara, CA 93101

Opening Hours
Highly rated feline-exclusive veterinary clinic praised for compassionate care and transparent pricing. Offers good accessibility but limited emergency services. Competitive reputation among nearby clinics. Best suited for routine and non-urgent cat care.
Based on our scoring system, analysis of user reviews, and competitor comparison.
Carefully curated by our team using human expertise.
Public Review Sentiment
Extremely positive feedback focused on caring staff and quality feline care. Many reviews highlight the compassionate treatment of cats. Limited negative comments, with a few mentioning issues reaching staff by phone. Overall, clients seem very satisfied with the veterinary services provided.
Best Times to Visit
Early morning or late afternoon (based on regular operating hours)
1333 De La Vina St # G, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Frequently Asked Questions
Are you a mobile vet? Do you make "house calls"?
Hello. We are a feline only hospital that makes limited veterinary house calls on an appointment basis only. Our main office is in downtown Santa Barbara, where we can perform lab tests, digital xrays, & have a full dental suite with digital oral radiographs. Please call us at 805-899-2944 with any questions you may have. Thank you.