Bullard Marks Veterinary Medical Center
3098 W Bullard Ave, Fresno, CA 93711

Opening Hours
Popular local veterinary clinic with strong user reviews and competitive pricing. Offers basic services during regular business hours but limited emergency or specialized care options. Clinic can get busy during peak times but has good accessibility features.
Based on our scoring system, analysis of user reviews, and competitor comparison.
Carefully curated by our team using human expertise.
Public Review Sentiment
Reviewers consistently praise the caring and compassionate staff as well as the affordable pricing. The clinic receives high marks for routine checkups and basic procedures. Some negative feedback regarding limited emergency and specialized services like overnight care or exotic pet treatments. Overall very positive sentiment.
Best Times to Visit
Early morning or late afternoon (8:30 AM - 11:00 AM or 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM)
3098 W Bullard Ave, Fresno, CA 93711
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you offer emergency services?
No, we do not offer 24/7 emergency veterinary services. We are open during regular business hours Monday through Friday.
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept all major credit cards as well as cash payments.
Do I need an appointment?
Appointments are recommended but we also accept walk-ins during business hours.