Back Bay Veterinary Hospital
4263 Birch St, Newport Beach, CA 92660

Opening Hours
Highly rated animal hospital with excellent user experience and accessibility features. Offers a wide range of services including dog daycare and pet grooming. Pricing is considered fair based on reviews. Enjoys a strong reputation compared to nearby competitors.
Based on our scoring system, analysis of user reviews, and competitor comparison.
Carefully curated by our team using human expertise.
Public Review Sentiment
The vast majority of reviews are extremely positive, praising the caring and knowledgeable staff as well as the high quality of care provided. Clients frequently mention successful treatment of their pets' medical issues. A few negative reviews criticize pricing and perceived lack of communication, but these are outnumbered by the overwhelmingly positive feedback.
Best Times to Visit
Early morning or late evening (based on popular times histogram showing lower occupancy before 9 AM and after 5 PM)
4263 Birch St, Newport Beach, CA 92660
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have day care services for dogs?
Hello, yes we do have a daycare. It is open Monday thru Friday 7am to 5pm. Saturday 8am to 4pm. Sunday we are closed. Requirements are a general exam visit with your own vet within the last year. Negative fecal sample in the last 6 month. DA2PP, Rabies and bordetella vaccines up to date. Please reach out if you have any further questions. 949.456.0554 Michele