Avalon Animal Hospital & Bird Clinic
22404 S Avalon Blvd, Carson, CA 90745
Opening Hours
Offers a wide range of veterinary services including emergency care and exotic pet treatment. Rated well for user experience with knowledgeable staff. Reasonably priced with transparent costs based on reviews. Expect moderate wait times during peak hours. Good reputation compared to nearby clinics.
Based on our scoring system, analysis of user reviews, and competitor comparison.
Carefully curated by our team using human expertise.
Public Review Sentiment
Positive reviews highlight quality service for exotic pets, reasonable prices, and friendly staff. Criticisms focus on long wait times, lack of clear pricing for some services, and inconsistent veterinary advice. Overall sentiment leans positive with most praising care and expertise.
Best Times to Visit
Early morning (8AM - 10AM) or late afternoon (3PM - 6PM) on weekdays
22404 S Avalon Blvd, Carson, CA 90745
Frequently Asked Questions
how much they charge for deworming a dog?
I'm not sure about the price of course