Alondra Animal Hospital
14425 Crenshaw Blvd, Gardena, CA 90249

Opening Hours
Highly rated animal hospital offering a wide range of services including emergency care, pet boarding, and grooming. Strong reputation compared to nearby competitors. Accessible facilities but may experience longer wait times during peak afternoon hours. Pricing information not available.
Based on our scoring system, analysis of user reviews, and competitor comparison.
Carefully curated by our team using human expertise.
Public Review Sentiment
Clients praise the compassionate and knowledgeable staff, clean facilities, and quality of care provided. Several reviews mention fair pricing and transparent communication. A few critical reviews cite high costs or lack of follow-up information. Overall sentiment is very positive.
Best Times to Visit
Morning hours (7 AM - 10 AM) are the least busy based on popular times histogram.
14425 Crenshaw Blvd, Gardena, CA 90249
Frequently Asked Questions
My furry baby will soon leave me. How much to cremate? She is about 7-10 lbs. Can I drop her off when she is gone?
I am not sure about the costs but they do have a service to have your fur baby picked up and returned to you. I have had this done here twice.