Alessandro Animal Hospital
23932 Alessandro Blvd # B, Moreno Valley, CA 92553

Opening Hours
A highly-rated animal hospital offering pet grooming and veterinary services. Strong user reviews praising quality care and fair pricing. Provides emergency services, though specialization in exotic pets is unclear. Moderately busy but with good accessibility. Compares favorably to nearby competitors.
Based on our scoring system, analysis of user reviews, and competitor comparison.
Carefully curated by our team using human expertise.
Public Review Sentiment
The vast majority of reviews are very positive, praising the quality of care, professionalism of staff, and fair pricing. Negative feedback focuses on a few poor experiences, though these seem to be outliers. Pet owners frequently recommend the clinic for grooming and routine veterinary services.
Best Times to Visit
Early morning (9 AM - 11 AM) on weekdays
23932 Alessandro Blvd # B, Moreno Valley, CA 92553
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you provide emergency services?
The business data does not explicitly state whether 24/7 emergency services are offered. However, they are categorized as an 'Animal hospital', suggesting they likely handle pet emergencies during operating hours.
Do you treat exotic pets?
The available information does not clarify if exotic pet treatment is provided. The categories listed only mention 'Animal hospital', 'Pet groomer', and 'Veterinarian'.
What are your pricing rates?
No specific pricing information is provided in the business data. However, based on reviews, the pricing seems to be considered fair and reasonable for the services offered.